Monday, July 20, 2015

Get to Know the 5 Phases of a Turnaround

A turnaround is a planned event where production units are completely or partially removed from service temporarily to allow for necessary updates, maintenance, or inspection. Although numbers may vary depending on industry, a turnaround can be generally categorized into unique phases, each consisting of key elements that must be performed in sequence:

Phase 1: Planning
The planning phase of a turnaround is the foundation of the entire activity. It’s in this phase that the initial scoping, defining, and organization occur.

Phase 2: Preparation
The preparation phase involves the development of plan details before a turnaround is implemented. Preparation begins immediately after a turnaround plan is approved. Once preparations are complete, you should ideally have a finalized work list and schedule, and a cost estimate accurate to within 10 percent of the allocated budget.

Phase 3: Execution
During the Execution phase, turnaround work should start immediately after equipment shutdown to maximize the schedule. It’s impossible to predict every task that needs to be done during the Execution phase, so you need to have accounted for such unexpected events during the planning phase. This means having a process in place that will permit you to stay on schedule and within budget.

Phase 4: Inspection
Once Execution work is done, assets such as personnel, equipment, and other related resources must be inspected for readiness for service.

Phase 5: Evaluation
An investigation schedule must be implemented to evaluate the turnaround’s effectiveness, reconcile costs, and close purchase and work orders.


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