Thursday, July 31, 2014

Refueling Service—Maintaining Safety Onsite

Gasoline is highly flammable. You’ve probably seen in movies how it can easily be lit by a cigarette ember or a tiny spark from a faulty circuit, and burning gasoline is often followed by a massive explosion. Well, in real life it could be a lot worse, which is why gas stations strictly prohibit any act that could cause fire, especially when refilling at a gas station.

The same or even stricter rules are observed when servicing or refilling at a gas station, simply because the volume of gasoline involved here is much bigger. Gasoline from suppliers is delivered to the gas station via large tanker trucks. The safety protocol in this kind of service starts as soon as the tankers leave from the terminals. Although spills may leave less environmental damage on land than in the ocean, oil transportation should still be done the safest way possible.

Most gasoline stations are actually built according to safety specifications, from their electrical systems to the parking space. Workers are also well-oriented with the safety procedures when accommodating tanker trucks into the station for fuel servicing. There are stations that even postpone their refilling service until their tanks are refueled to maintain optimum protection.

A well-defined protocol in fuel servicing eliminates the potential for disasters that can take lives and destroy the environment. Owners of gas stations must consider looking for reliable refueling services considering that they are the ones that implement the most trusted safety standards in their services. 


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