Thursday, July 31, 2014

Refueling Service—Maintaining Safety Onsite

Gasoline is highly flammable. You’ve probably seen in movies how it can easily be lit by a cigarette ember or a tiny spark from a faulty circuit, and burning gasoline is often followed by a massive explosion. Well, in real life it could be a lot worse, which is why gas stations strictly prohibit any act that could cause fire, especially when refilling at a gas station.

The same or even stricter rules are observed when servicing or refilling at a gas station, simply because the volume of gasoline involved here is much bigger. Gasoline from suppliers is delivered to the gas station via large tanker trucks. The safety protocol in this kind of service starts as soon as the tankers leave from the terminals. Although spills may leave less environmental damage on land than in the ocean, oil transportation should still be done the safest way possible.

Most gasoline stations are actually built according to safety specifications, from their electrical systems to the parking space. Workers are also well-oriented with the safety procedures when accommodating tanker trucks into the station for fuel servicing. There are stations that even postpone their refilling service until their tanks are refueled to maintain optimum protection.

A well-defined protocol in fuel servicing eliminates the potential for disasters that can take lives and destroy the environment. Owners of gas stations must consider looking for reliable refueling services considering that they are the ones that implement the most trusted safety standards in their services. 

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Clean Fuel Injectors Mean Good Vehicle Performance

Even with the best cleaning and maintenance services available, it’s practically impossible to keep a vehicle completely free from dirt and grime. Why? That’s because gasoline itself is not entirely pure. It contains plenty of heavy, waxy compounds and additives that leave behind deposits once the fuel residue in the fuel injector finally evaporates.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Three Types of Coolants Your Shop Should Have

Along with fuel, water, motor oil, and battery power, each vehicle needs coolant to run properly. Just as there is a variety of gasoline formulas and motor oil mixtures in the market, so do coolants come in several variants that can be roughly classified according to the technology used to make them.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Engine’s Lifeblood: Conventional and Synthetic Oil

Motor oil is essential to the life and functionality of an engine. Among other things, motor oil lubricates and prevents engine parts from rubbing against each other. These days, car dealers provide motorists with both conventional and synthetic oil options. Vehicle owners can accordingly pick the product that works best for their vehicles and for their budget.

Conventional motor oil is derived from natural petroleum and works for both old and new car models due to its neutral composition. This product is recommended for breaking in a new car. Vehicle manufacturers also normally use conventional oil when testing new models, so most cars are likely designed to work with this lubricant.

Suppliers also provide synthetic oil because many vehicle owners consider it as a better option. Made from modified petroleum compounds that are more durable than petroleum, synthetic oil is thought to last three times longer than conventional oil. It also performs with less resistance against the movement of engine components. As a result, engines can perform with higher efficiency, saving both fuel and oil.

Using the right type of motor oil enables vehicle owners to save huge sums in the long run. Likewise, one can minimize the need for costly repair and oil changes. Auto dealers, in turn, can build customer loyalty and boost their bottom line by providing motorists with high-quality motor oil products from a trusted supplier.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Situations that Call for On Site Fuel Services

Bad weather is cited as the leading cause of fuel shortages in the U.S., with notables like Hurricane Sandy in 2012 and Hurricane Ike in 2008. Hurricanes, winter storms, and the like push the demand for oil as people flock to gas stations to buy fuel for their heaters and household power generators. In addition, bad weather can damage roads, highways, power stations, and other infrastructure, leading to heavy-duty repairs and stalled production lines that also drive gas prices up.

Oil disasters like the April 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil rig tragedy have an even more significant impact since they directly affect the country’s oil supply. Oil disasters can also force the government to impose restrictions and penalties to oil companies, which translate to higher fuel costs and, in turn, more fuel shortages. The Deepwater Horizon disaster, in particular, cost the economy about $14 billion.

The U.S. is currently the world’s leading oil consumer, requiring 18.5 million barrels every day to sustain itself. As such, energy emergencies can take a great toll on the nation’s economy, as evidenced by the U.S. Energy Department’s Emergency Situation Reports from 2003 to 2013. Reliable providers of on site fuel service played a huge role in preventing these situations from getting worse.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Fuel Injector Cleaner: When is it Appropriate?

Experts remain divided on the issue of exactly when fuel injector cleaners should be used or if they are necessary at all. The truth is, the appropriateness of using a fuel injector cleaner depends on the vehicle’s history and condition. Here are three situations when the product is recommended:

Use of Poor Quality Fuels
When a vehicle frequently runs on poor quality gas, a lot of carbon deposits can accumulate in the fuel injectors. Cheap gas stations are common sources of dirty, watered-down gasoline with little engine-protecting detergents.

Destructive Driving Styles
When a vehicle frequently takes short trips or makes stops, more fuel debris can accumulate and stick to the engine. This occurs whenever the automobile frequently idles or gets turned off. Heavy stop-and-go traffic situations are the usual culprits.

Poor Vehicle Maintenance
When a vehicle’s fuel filter does not get changed regularly, accumulated debris and deposits will circulate throughout the engine. Going 10,000 miles or more without proper vehicle maintenance can also lead to dirtier engines.

These three factors can lead to clogs in the fuel injector and result in poor fuel economy or fouling problems. Unfortunately, faulty and severely clogged injectors can be expensive to replace.

With the proper application of a quality fuel injector cleaner, however, a vehicle’s fuel efficiency and overall performance can be improved and observed in as fast as 15 minutes after successfully running the cleaner. The need for costly replacements can consequently be minimized.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Clearing up Misconceptions about Battery Acid

Automotive experts say distilled water is a good alternative to standard battery acid. As distilled water has most, if not all, of its impurities removed, it's safe to top up batteries with it. Some even suggest tap water, but this is ill-advised since not all areas have clean tap water. Despite many online sources recommending distilled water, the subject is still up for debate.

The distilled water trick works if the battery still has some acid left. Battery acid is diluted sulfuric acid, and the ratio of 65 percent water and 35 percent battery acid must be maintained for a battery to work. The right formulation prevents the cells from overheating as the water evaporates and likewise generates power for the vehicle.

In any case, this doesn't mean battery acid has no use anymore. Keep in mind that brand-new batteries are totally devoid of any fluid. It's important to add battery acid and distilled water for it to work. Remember to keep the acid at the proper amount as too much of it can ruin the cells. Experts recommend adding battery acid only once per empty battery.

Who buys an empty battery when the market sells batteries all tanked up? The sellers of these batteries, of course. Battery acid is more commonly marketed to auto suppliers and repair shops whose expertise enables safe and expert handling of this corrosive substance. As long as batteries lose their charge capacity, battery acid will be needed to fuel new batteries.