Wednesday, January 28, 2015

The Five Phases of Plant Turnarounds

Turnarounds for refineries and manufacturing plants can be very costly. Expensive equipment and extra manpower are necessary to conduct the various repairs, inspections, and maintenance. Furthermore, shutdowns tend to last a few weeks, halting production and therefore decreasing revenue.

Due to the potential consequences that comes with a turnaround, it is vital for the management team to be able to execute the following phases properly and efficiently:

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Keep Your Construction Machines Fueled and Running

Trucks, compressors, generators, and task-specific equipment that run on fuel are common in all kinds of construction or rehabilitation sites. Some pieces of heavy machinery require fueling every 3 to 4 hours, making fuel management a challenging task. Since the global cost of fuel fluctuates constantly, many companies usually struggle when it comes to maximizing their fuel consumption.  Here are some ways to get the best value from your onsite fuel service.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The Transformer Oil is Working… or is It?

Transformer oil is one of the many products available at your preferred industrial lubricants providers. Such oil is capable of adding dielectric strength to the transformer, and expedite heat transfer while providing ample insulation. Still, they are also vulnerable to decay over time, and you need testing kits to ensure they’re at peak form. You can identify the faults common to oiled transformers.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Synthetic Oil: What’s Beneficial for BMW Can be Beneficial for you, too

If you’re in the market for new trucks for your fleet, chances are its manufacturer will recommend the use of synthetic engine oil. The reasons vehicle manufacturers are increasingly turning to synthetic are numerous, but for most, it comes down to one simple advantage: fuel economy. Vehicle manufacturers are required to meet ever-stricter fuel economy regulations, and the fuel economy boost that synthetic oils provide can be significant once multiplied by the millions of vehicles they sell.

Friday, January 16, 2015

On Site Fuel Service: Providing Fuel for Everyone in an Emergency

Natural disasters often lead to power outages that affect people’s lives and impair communication, health and transportation facilities. Power is no less important at home, necessary for storing food in refrigerators, and in the use of television, radio, and computer to obtain the news. Generators in one’s property or facility should be part of any household or business’ emergency preparedness plan. In Matthew Stein’s disaster-preparedness manual entitled “When Disaster Strikes,” a full-powered, reliable generator is at the top of his list for anyone to have in his or her property to survive hours of power outage.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Fuel Injector Cleaner for Maintenance to Boost Smooth Drivability

Fuel injectors make up a major part of a vehicle. These are electromechanical valves responsible for delivering gasoline into the engine following a precise engineered pattern. These injectors should be able to last as long as the car does, but as with any crucial parts, signs show up at one point or another that tell you your car would need some replacements or repairs.

Zero In on the Right Fuel Tank

Fuel has long been recognized as a precious resource, and many vehicle-heavy businesses or organizations know how crippling a shortage can be. At the same time, these businesses emphasize the importance of being able to stash copious amounts as the situation dictates. This calls for buying fuel tanks from sellers of automotive dealer supplies, but how do you pick the tank with the most appropriate volume capacity?